ela - the new GMS based accelerograph by GeoSIG
Published on 2023-08-25 in category: Measuring & in-situ instrumentation

ela is a compact and robust accelerograph by GeoSIG that utilizes the GMS series technology, now counting more than 10 years of reliability and high performance.
It is an ideal and most affordable solution for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) both for indoor and outdoor applications. ela features an internal triaxial MEMS sensor and >80dB dynamic range. It also has options for Power over Ethernet (Poe) and WiFi connectivity. For detailed specifications you can download the technical datasheet.
Do not hesitate to contact us for more info!
Well pumps & skimmers by Dimaco SAS
Published on 2020-11-09 in category: Special construction & industrial equipment
We are happy to introduce our new supplier in well pumps and skimmers, Dimaco SAS, Italy. Contact us for more information!
Maintenance of the seismic equipment in Aktio-Preveza immersed tunnel
Published on 2020-09-18 in category: Case studies - Seismic monitoring
Project: Maintenance of the seismic equipment in Aktio-Preveza immersed tunnel
Client: AKTOR SA
Project location & date: Aktio-Preveza immersed tunnel, annually
Our company has undertaken the annual check and maintenance of the seismic equipment used for the Structural Health Monitoring of the Aktio-Preveza immersed tunnel, which was installed in 2008. The seismic system comprises of triaxial force balance accelerometers, LVDTs, temperature/humidity sensors, as well as recording units, industrial computer and GeoDAS software, manufactured by GeoSIG Ltd, Switzerland.
The nesseccary maintenance is carried out by our experienced and trained personnel and includes:
- Check of the sensors, datalogger and computer
- Visual inspection of the installed accelerometers, LVDTs and hydrometers
- Check of the LVDTs response
- Check of the datalogger configuration
It goes without saying the proper and long-term function of the seismic equipment can only be achieved by the proper and frequent maintenance by trained and specialized personnel.
Seismic & geotechnical monitoring of 3rd LNG Tank in Revithoussa
Published on 2020-06-22 in category: Case studies - Seismic monitoring
Project: Supply & installation of seismic & geotechnical monitoring instrumentation for the 3rd LNG Tank in Revithoussa island
Client: J&P AVAX SA
Project location & date: Revithoussa isl., 2017-2018
In summer 2017, 20 years after supplying the instruments for the first two tanks, our company was assigned the supply & installation of the monitoring system for the 3rd LNG Tank in Revithoussa island. The equipment supplied included seismic and geotechnical instruments, along with their dataloggers and software, as well as a Database for the data presentation. The project special specifications indicated that all permanently installed sensors (accelerometers, tiltmeters) should be placed inside anti-explosive ATEX certified enclosures.
The monitoring system includes the following equipment, manufactured by Sisgeo Srl, Italy and GeoSIG Ltd, Switzerland:
- Force-balance triaxial accelerometers AC-73
- Multichannel recording unit CR6plus
- GeoDAS Software
- Biaxial MEMS tiltmeters
- ΟΜΝΙΑ Datalogger
- ABS Inclinometer casing
- Portable inclinometer systemsν
- Klion Inclinometer software
- Tankview Database, by IQSoft
Our specialized personnel and partners carried out the system installation, commissioning and personnel training.
Sisgeo new product catalogue
Published on 2019-06-19 in category: Measuring & in-situ instrumentation

New product material for 2015 is now available by Sisgeo Srl! Stay on course with the company's full instrument range. You can:
Please select a product from the categories provided or search our website for the product of your choice.
Click here to browse through selected news and сase studies in monitoring instruments or special construction equipment.
Measuring instruments
- Geotechnical instruments
- Seismic instruments
- Seismic & accoustic instruments
- In situ geotechnical instruments
- Geophysical instruments
- Non-destructive instruments
- Fiber optics monitoring systems
Building & construction machines
- Grouting equipment
- Pneumatic conveying equipment
- Mixing & pneumatic transporter for floor screed
- Horizontal continuous mixer
- Conveying pumps
- Concrete pumps
- Continuous mixing - pumping equipment
- External wall insulation equipment
- Airless sprayers
- Special application equipment
- Drilling equipment
- Tools & equipment accessories
Industrial equipment
Special construction equipment
- Underground works equipment
- High pressure breaking systems
- Lining stress controllers
- Well inspection
- Directional Core Drilling & Borehole Surveying equipment
- Pumps & skimmers for groundwater remediation
- Amberg Technologies AG
- Cardox International Ltd
- Devico AS
- Dimaco SAS
- GeoSIG Ltd
- GeoSonics Inc
- Haeny AG
- Italmec Srl
- James Fisher Testing Services
- Knauf PFT GmbH & Co. K.G
- Nesa Srl
- Northern Light Technologies Inc
- Pagani Geotechnical Equipment
- Pasi Srl
- Petrometalic SA
- Scaime
- Sisgeo Srl
- SN Apageo
- SolExperts AG
- Studio Prof. Marchetti Srl
- TEK.SP.ED. Srl – Bunker